Sunday, September 9, 2012

10 Games You Should Play That You May Not Know About

The following is a list of games that we believe don't receive nearly enough attention, especially considering some of the current "most popular" games (and I do use that to describe the amount of people who play them, not like them).

1: The Crab Crusher

I know what your thinking; "isn't promoting your own game on a top ten list just a little bias?". Well first of all, this isn't even a top ten list, it's just a list that happens to contain ten items that are definitely NOT ARRANGED IN ANY NUMERICAL ORDER AS TO ENHANCE THE APPEARANCE OF THE GAMES  AT THE TOP OF THE LIST!!! Yes, there is a VERY, VERY BIG DIFFERENCE!!! Secondly, well.....whatever. I'll just start over then. But first you should check this very interesting, aspiring game out on Indievania and the SlideMe Market. For more information, go to:
( maniacal greedy business man laugh )
Sigh. Alright then I'll start over.

1: The Little Eggy that Could

This is one of those platforming games that seems somewhat generic at first glance, but then when you actually play it, you discover that it's EXTREMELY GENERIC, yet SUPERBLY UNIQUE AT THE SAME, FREAKING TIME!!! What do I mean by this? I really don't know. I've been around Eljoeyo and Jburitto way too much lately. Anyway, this game is one of those plat-formers that keeps you climbing back up every time you fall off. With a wide variety of eggs to chose from (that would be about ten; the fact that you can only hunt 5 animals in Hunting UNLIMITED 1 has slightly corrupted my sense of numerical judgement). If you like games then you should definitely check this one out.

2: Ao Oni

This is just another one of those indie survival horror games that people play when they're too cheap to buy Resident Evil and Silent Hill, or when they just want a new horror experience. (Cough pointless Cough) Speaking of pointless,unlike Slenderman the Game, this game actually has a point. while it's not quite as suspenseful as walking around a pitch black forest in the dead of night with nothing but a flashlight, if you play this with out watching any walk-throughs (good luck with some of those puzzles ;) ), there will probably some points in the game that make you jump out of your skin, and the chases are pretty terrifying as well, assuming you don't modify the soundtrack that plays when the blue demon is chasing you. If you like survival-horror, puzzle, or adventure games, definitely check this one out. You may have an experience like this one:

Or this one:

 3: Hunting Unlimited

While it seems like there are quite a few hunting game fans that have played the newer games in the series (at least according to Youtube), it seems as though a lot of people have neglected to play the game that started it all. Unlike the later games in the series, which began to follow Call of Duty's copy and paste style game design (although now I believe the game has changed developers entirely), HU was very unique; you didn't pack your own gear and go out and search for 45 minutes until you finally found an elk (which you would probably shoot at, miss, and it would get away), and you certainly weren't thrown in front of a rampaging stampeded of wild grizzly bears, moose(mooses, moosi, moosesesss, whatever), deer and and explosion of pheasants in arcade shoot 'em up style massacre game. Hunting Unlimited sends you on various hunting challenges, of which all are unlocked when you start the game, so you can play them in any order. Obviously, some are much more difficulty than others. The difficulty levels also vary based on the equipment you are given and the animals you are hunting; on the positive side, if you're hunting White-tailed Deer, they probably won't maul you, but you'll have to dedicate a lot of effort into attracting them over to your stand (or where ever the current mission wants you to lure them). On the other side of the......something with multiple sides...if you're hunting Grizzlies, they probably won't run away, but sometimes you'll probably want to. If you like hunting games that aren't arcade "throw as many animals as possible on screen at one time" style, but you don't like having to wait an hour just to find something, you should definitely HUNT this one down. HEY YOU IN THE BACK! WHY AIN'T YOU LAUGHING!!!? Whatever.

4: Limbo

This one was actually a recommendation from Porpoisemonkey, so, I actually haven't really played all. I don't know if that makes this game a better choice for this list because I don't know if it's a good game, but I don't know if it's a good game because I haven't played it, and that's what qualifies it to be on this list, so....oh well. From the looks of it, Limbo is a some-what creepy black and white adventure-puzzle game. Other than that, you'll have to check it out for yourself.

5: The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena

Another recommendation by Porpoisemonkey, and, once again, I've never heard of it. I guess this list is just as beneficial to me as to anyone. From the looks of it, this is a science-fiction action semi-stealth and tactical first-person-shooter. Other than that, once again, you'll have to check this one out for yourself.

6: Psychonauts

A recommendation by Eljoeyo. Once again, I haven't played it. However, from what I've heard about it, it has some pretty interesting game-play. Basically (from what I understand), you enter the minds of psychotics and try discover some sort of something about the plot: a mad scientist who did something. Well, obviously my understanding isn't very vivid, so, if I in anyway somehow made this game sound somewhat interesting to you, be sure to check it out. Moving on.

7: Carnivores: Cityscape

Play as a Human or a Dino:

For those who played and enjoyed the original Carnivores hunting games, Cityscape was a bit of a disappointment; in this adaption, the game changed genres from sports(hunting) to a somewhat creepy/suspenseful action first person shooter. Because I actually know about this game, I could probably write a novel about what this game did right, what it did wrong, what it could have improved upon, and why it should be ported or remade (as well as what it should be ported to). While I do believe they should have included some sort of hunting mode, the fps element made for an interesting (although somewhat repetitive) experience. Mostly owing to some of the games creepy soundtracks, atmosphere, and ambient sound-effects/tracks, the first time you play through this game (assuming you haven't watched any walk-throughs or let's plays), you'll definitely find yourself jumping out of your skin when a nano tyrannous comes lunging out of the darkness, and at many points, you'll find yourself afraid to move on for fear of some satanic creature lurking just beyond the shadows. Once you've overcome your fears, however, the combat starts to get a little repetative; that's not to say that blowing the everything out of every dino on the planet stops being fun, and you can always play the campaign as a dinosaur and run around killing hostile humans, but it would have been nice if they had changed it up a little bit so that you had to do more than shoot, run, protect moronic survivors, and repeat. The multi-player mode could have been a really nice experience as well (and indeed, the co-op is pretty fun the first few times you play), if not for a few factors. First, you'll definitely find that, even when using LAN, the game has a very hard time staying connected. Regardless of this fact, we haven't experienced too much lag while playing co-op, but once the game disconnects, its almost impossible to get it connected again unless you wait about 12 hours and then try again (we're not too sure why this is the case). The competitive game modes are much easier to join and sustain a decent internet connection while playing, however, without a decent-sized group of people to play with, you'll probably grow board of them very quickly. Overall, if they threw in a hunting mode, added some things on to make the campaign less repetitive, and patched up some of the problems with the multi-player, this game would have had a lot more potential to be a very popular shooter, and it would have appealed more to the fans of the games preceding it. Even so, it's not too late for some sort of port or remake, and you should definitely check this one out.



8: Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem

Supposedly one of the first mature titles available for Nintendo's Gamecube, once again, I admit to you that I've never played this one. Actually, I've never even heard of it, but, ever since I played Resident Evil 1, I've always been interested to look into any survival horror games I hear about (this is how I came about playing Ao Oni, and I plan to start the Silent Hill series in the near future). Unlike many survival-horror games, EDSR supposedly doesn't use the tank like controls, which probably helped it avoid hundreds of unnecessary negative criticisms from people who are too fat and lazy to get used to the FREAKING controls. If you're a fan of survival-horror, I would definitely look into this one.

9: Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee

While most (if not all) Godzilla fighting games have received fairly low reviews and strong negative criticisms for things such as faulty camera angles, repetitive gameplay, blah bah blah, I personally haven't had a major problem with any of them. While I've never been a major godzilla fan (I know, I know, those special effects in the movies are pretty hard to resist), to be able to enjoy this type of game, you really don't need to be. With several different game-play modes and four-player local multi-player, there's plenty of fun to be had with this game, with or without your friends. There's a decent amount of monsters to chose from, and plenty of destruction to carry out. If that sounds like your kind of game, check this one out! You may also want to look into its successors, Godzilla: Save the Earth, and Godzilla: Unleashed.

10: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3

While Rainbow Six isn't exactly one of those rare and unheard of games, I'd be willing to bet that there's a lot of people who haven't played this one. I could probably write more about this game if I felt like it, but we've recorded so much gameplay of it (we've pretty much beaten the dead horse 'till we killed it with that one do to the fact that we show the same videos every time we talk about this game), I've decided to just show that instead. If you look co-op tactical shooters that are some what fun and not over hyped, check this one out!

Well, that's all for now. If you have anything to say about the list or you want to share your opinion (or criticize me because you have nothing better to do :)  ), feel free to leave a comment in the comments section! Feel free to suggest topics for future lists as well, and don't forget to check us out on Youtube!

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