Saturday, January 25, 2014

Update 1/25/14

I apologize for leaving such a long space of time between now and the last post, but I haven't had time to do anything very interesting or worthy of anyone's time in terms of the blog or video content. For now, the status of the finale is pending, but worst case scenario, we'll just cancel the video version and post the award results right here on the blog.

As far as future video content goes, we actually do have a bunch of stuff prerecorded, I just need to take the time this weekend to get some of it edited and produced. I refuse to start endlessly puking up an endless array of video content, no matter how frequent, that is complete and utter garbage. Meaning I really don't like the content in question turned out, for all those who think the majority of our content falls under that category.

As far as variations in content, we have a generous quantity of play-through content to sift through and chose from, so there be no shortage there whenever we get around to working with it. As far as the more abstract and unique stuff, we have a few first-time specials on the way, a library of new reviews either planned or actually in a significant stage of production, and all sorts of new opportunities for innovative (relative to G2D), random segments given our acquirement of an Ouya console and the fact that Anglerbe and I finally got Steam accounts around a month ago. Also we have the Wii U for those who don't yet know, but as far as the horizon of pending opportunity stretches, little potential can be seen for something extraordinary at the moment.

CartemJ evidently finished his New Super Mario Bros U Let's Play, so check that out if you're interested.

As far as the channel goes, we're almost finished sealing off the last bits of our other channels, so the era when our content is concentrated wholeheartedly on the Gamed2Death Channel (and corresponding sub channels) is not too far off. It's closer than a line of Wii U games anyway. If you haven't subscribed already, and you're interested in doing so, please go to Gamed2Death and subscribe. Thank you! 

As far as the YouTube-Google Plus crisis goes, we'll be remaining on YouTube as long as nothing ridiculously stupid happens to us, unless conditions worsen or a lot more good people in this industry start to suffer needlessly. If for any reason we find it necessary to move away from YouTube and Google services, we'll hold a staff meeting and post major and extensive updates. We'll, that's all for now. Have a great day!

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