Friday, August 17, 2012

10 Awesome Replay Incentives in Games

Let's face it, when ever you finish off a good game, there's a good chance you're going to want to play again somewhere down the road. While some games are just good enough to hold themselves up a second time through without adding any additional content or making any changes to the game what so ever, sometimes it's nice when a game offers factors that drastically increase the replay value. Here is a list of 10 awesome replay incentives in video games:

1. Resident Evil REmake- Barry's Samurai Edge
 It's nice to have something that's really powerful, especially on living things.

2. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker- Several changes second time playing

Wind Waker throws several new things at you on your second play through that, if you enjoyed the game the first time, make it worth playing another round.

3. Batman Arkham City- All gadgets unlocked
Enough said.

4. Red Dead Redemption- John Marston's son

5. Silent Hill Series- multiple endings

Although this concept may be used widely in video games, including Infamous and Resident Evil 1, Silent Hill's endings are very diverse, and are harder to obtain than "push l2 for evil ending, push r2 for good ending". Above all, you can't go wrong with a good joke ending. If only the cake wasn't a lie...

6. Super Mario Galaxy- Luigi

It's nice to be able to replay the entire game with a character who feels different from the original (Luigi can run faster and jump higher than Mario, but he is slower to stop sliding, which can be a pain on the ice levels).

7. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves- Bonus costumes, weapons, etc. 

Because it's just fun. We still aren't too sure why they didn't include such features in Drake's Deception. Either way, there's nothing quite like replaying all of the scenes where Drake breaks the stuff he's climbing on while wearing this costume.

8. Shadow of the Colossus- Time attack and new items

 Considering everything you unlock when you beat the game, why wouldn't you play it again?

9. Resident Evil 3- Chain Gun/ Rocket Launcher

Yes please.

10. Infamous 2- Different powers

While the endings may not be as variant and diverse as those of Silent Hill games(especially considering there are only two), having different powers and unlocking the ability to use every power once you beat the game twice gives you plenty of reason to replay this Ps3 exclusive.

Well, that's all for now. Be on the look-out for more lists and top tens in the coming weeks! If you have any suggestions for future topics, additions that could be made to this list or future lists, or you just want to share your opinion, feel free to leave a comment in the comment section!

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