Thursday, September 22, 2011

Top 10 weapons of the week

10.The Hammer of Dawn (Gears of War)
It is a great weapon but is hardly used as it can only be used outside if the signal is strong enough
9. Wunderwaffe DG-2 (Call of Duty: World at War)
A very powerful weapon very effective agianst zombies
8. Energy Sword (Halo: Combat evolved)
Better Than The Gravity Hammer! or is it?!

7. Boneduster (Bulletstorm)

6. Pimp Cane Shotgun (Saints Row 2)
Looks good, Shoots good

5. Lancer (Gears of War)
Part Gun, Part Chainsaw
4. Particle Cannon (Wolfenstein 2010)
Turns enemies into dust

3. BFG (Doom 3D)
It Stands for the Big ****** Gun And you can see why
2. Fat Man (Fallout 3)
Shoots Mini Nukes
1.Ulaks (Chronicles of Riddick Assault on Dark Athena)
Massive Ripping and Shredding fun
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