Friday, November 18, 2011

Top 10 Worst Games

Before starting the count down, I'll note that this is not a list of the absolute worst games in history, it is a list of 10 randomly selected games that produced a negative effect on us, rated in order of bad to worse. That being said:

10: Super Man 64

Da da da da! Its a bird! It's a plane! It's an Epic Fail!

9: Big Game Hunter Series (the recent games)

Remember when you could actually hunt in a hunting game instead of having animals thrown in your face left and right?

8: Bodycount

This game felt like a wannabe Brink, which wasn't the greatest game itself.

7: Primal Prey

If you want to top the Carnivores series, you have to try harder than this

6: Fight Club

Make it stop!

5: Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link

Sure, it was an okay game. But our expectations for a zelda game are far beyond this, not too mention, its just too hard.

4: Top Angler

From one Angler to another, if you find this on the end of your line, throw it back.

3: Nightmare Creatures 2

There are many ways to approach games similar to Resident Evil. Evidently this isn't one of them.

2: Deadliest Catch: Sea of Chaos

There are plenty of TV shows that would make great games. And then there's this.

1: Thor: God of Thunder

How could you not have fun bashing in the skulls of various enemies, harnessing the powers granted to "the god of thunder"? Well, to answer your question:

Suggestions for other poor games or for future topics? List them in the comments!
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