Saturday, December 3, 2011

Top 10 Cheesiest Bosses/ Antagonists

Whether it be because they cheat you when your trying to kill them in an "epic" final battle, they always use really corny one liners, or even just that stupid look on their face, every gamer knows at least one boss that they can't stand just because there is something irritating about them. Not in the "they're trying to agitate me so I'll feel weak in the boss battle" way, or in any way that adds to the story of the game, but in the way that actually takes away from the game's story, gameplay, and possibly the whole experience. Many games are at fault for generating these bosses, and we decided to call them out on it. The following are randomly selected bosses from random games that fit the description of this post and are ranked in order of irritating to even more irritating:

10: Albert Wesker (The Original Resident Evil 1)
Although it didn't affect the overall experience of the game (or the series for that matter), any and every character in the Resident Evil/ Bio-hazard series is doomed to corny voice acting at some point in time. And Wesker is no exception.

9: George Romero (Call of Duty Black Ops)

While he's not exactly of boss, he's definitely not a standard enemy, especially for Nazi Zombies. He's extremely difficult to kill and makes camping almost impossible. While he does add challenge to the Call of the Dead map, he can really take away from the fun if you're like us and prefer camping. This map is so large that zombies would overrun you at some point regardless, so it would not be fair to claim that without him the map would be too easy.

8: King Boo (Luigi's Mansion)

Games in the Super Mario Series are known for their adventure tactics more than their epic boss battles, but even for a Mario game, or in this case, a Luigi game, there was just something fishy about the final boss battle. Hours and hours of battling various ghostly residents and the final boss battle feels more like you're trying to separate King Boo from his body guard than get revenge upon him for all the taunts he's thrown you're way, not to mention he's taken Mario hostage. Seriously, man up and fight!

7: Zant (The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess)

It doesn't seem possible for a main antagonist in the Zelda series to replace Ganondorf.And Zant isn't an opinion changer.

6: Alfred Ashford (Resident Evil Code: Veronica)

When the I made the comment on hating an antagonist for the stupid look on his face, I was referring to Alfred.

5: Sasha (Infamous)

Even Cole is resisting the urge to shut off your Ps3 when Sasha starts talking to you.

4: Pigma (Star Fox Assault)

Honestly I haven't played much of any Star Fox game except for this one, but to start hating Pigma, you don't have to.

3: Every Antagonist With a Voice Actor (Ghost Squad)

Like in the original Resident Evil, this game's budget wasn't focused on voice actors. While this actually adds a sort of humor to the game, it would be nice to see an arcade shooter like this one actually try to provide decent acting while retaining the same quality gameplay.  

2: Bigfoot (Deer Hunter 2)

I sware no matter how long we've searched for the rumored Sasquatch, all we've found are his footprints. It can easily be questioned whether or not you can actually find him in this game (although there is a cheat where you can view things from his perspective). So why include a mythical ape-man from a hunting game in a top 10 cheesiest bosses collection when we're not even sure if the developers made the effort to create a 3d model for him? Well if we ever find the coward and it turns out you don't kill him in an epic boss fight,  we'll definitely make sure it ends up being one.

1: Salazar (Resident Evil 4)

Miiiiiissstor Kennedy, the developers have decided to create me so that, while you're not saving the President's daughter from being kidnapped by her own shadow because she refuses to use a gun, you will still have someone that you want to cause extreme pain to! Ha ha. I am looking forward to our next (TV power off)

porpoisemonkey wuz here

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