Monday, December 23, 2013

End of the Year 2013 Show

I apologize for letting December be a dead month, especially relative to how much stuff we've been putting up in these past few months, but between external work and a general lack of creative enthusiasm, I haven't had the will to do anything directly on the blog. However, I'm going to try to do some fun stuff in the next couple weeks by starting some new spontaneous segments on our YouTube channel. Also, the end of the year is obviously coming up quickly, and as you would expect if you you've been following us with any consistency at all (which most of you probably haven't), we'll be doing the end of the year "finale" show in the next couple weeks. And as usual, we'll do our best to have it up by the first week of January and we'l try to make it bearable to watch. After failing to retrieve anything in 2011 and completely over doing it to the opposite extreme in 2012, we hope to finally achieve some level of successful structure and presentation in this year's show, which will be limited to about thirty minutes. 

All that being said, here are the categories for the awards show:

1. Best of the Year Nominees

2. Worst of the Year Nominees

3. Most Promising Console This Generation (as of now)

4. Best Staff Purchase

The nominees will be revealed as the new year draws closer. Instead of using a coin, we're going to try something rash and actually have G2D members vote to determine winners. It's not that we didn't like the way things went last year in that particular regard, but Lincoln and that lot already had their turn. Well, thank you for your time!

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