Sunday, September 30, 2012

45 Nostalgic Games

Upon considering how we could improve our end of the year "show"-segment-thing(admittedly, last year's was mediocre at best), we decided that we would start with a build up segment, of which the content is mutual with the title of this post; we(the main members of this blog, Porpoisemonkey, Anglerbe, and myself, Anglerte) have decided to draft up lists containing 15 of our most nostalgic games (because some of the items on our original lists were mutual between the three of us, this is not necessarily a list of our most nostalgic games, although the games we have selected are pretty high that list), of which we will take turns creating different types of videos for(ex: short let's plays, gameplay montages, gameplay montages with music, straight up gameplay with no commentary, etc). The last three episodes of this segment will be revealed during our end-of-the-year special. We will reveal more about this special as the end of the year draws nearer (let's face it, the Mayan's ran out of space on their rock; we don't want to be the blog that over looked an end-of-the-year special because we thought the world was going to end). The special will include segments such as live action skits, potential awards shows(although not likely for games from this year, namely because there haven't been many that we've particularly enjoyed ), a potential "Rumors and Mysteries" video segment(suggestions are welcome), possibly some stuff relating to Filmed2Death, and other such garbage(sorry, did I type that out loud?). If you have any questions, requests, suggestions, or an entirely random and pointless statement, feel free to say something in the comments section. Thank you.

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