Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Console War 2011-13: Anglerte's Impressions

Given that no one here at Gamed2Death has purchased or in any way obtained any of the next generation (pretty much the current generation, actually), I decided it would be appropriate, in light of E3 and all the other announcements pertaining to gaming that have been made in the past few years, to develop a list of my opinions regarding very specific aspects of each individual console of the coming generation. As I just stated above, none of us own any of these consoles for ourselves, and we've had very little interaction with any of them (personally, I've held a Nintendo 3ds once, and played Eljoeyo's Wii U a couple times, but that's pretty much it), so keep that detail in mind as I list out what will be almost entirely speculations and moderately developed impressions. Before I embark upon this useless journey in which I will share information that is not necessarily factual and which few people are bound to appreciate to any degree, I will have it be made clear that I am not biased towards any particular brand or company in any way shape or form whatsoever, so foolishness relevant to that factor in particular will not be present. However, I feel obliged to note that I hate almost everything Apple has ever done, and I think Microsoft made some pathetic decisions. Also, the Ouya will be strongly supportive of our positions as mediocre indie video game developers, and will likely serve as a major catalyst for any success we may have in that particular industry (along with The Game Creator's generous products); additionally the developers of the Ouya have firmly established that most malicious restrictions. such as those imposed by many of Apple's policies (and with the recent announcement of the Xbox One, Microsoft's policies as well), will be made completely obsolete on their console, and in fact, will be counteracted with the establishment of liberties revolutionary and innovative to the world of console gaming and game development. So yeah. Do remember that this is all entirely paraphrased in correlation with my interpretation of everything I've observed pertaining to the overarching subject as described above. Well, with all that garbage established, on with the lists! Which I'll start tomorrow! Maybe...

The candidates shall be:

Nintendo Wii U
Playstation 4

Xbox One 
(The new One, not the first One. So the Second One. But its the Third Xbox. The Third Xbox is the Second One)

Nintendo 3Ds


Steam Console (Piston?)


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