Sunday, April 21, 2013

G2D Game Development Plans (A Late Night Post)

We've been preoccupied with a lot of stuff (that you don't care about) lately, so I wanted to take the time to create a post dedicated to our game development road map, mostly because I don't want our followers to fall under the false impression that we took our creativity and projects, murdered them and shoved them under the floor board on the bathroom tile. As with pretty much everything we do, we don't have a clear plan  as to how we're going to approach all of our game development projects, we just toy with notions and repeatedly obsess over ideas until something seems decent enough to attempt to create. We're don't have a vivid hologram projector thing that hands out flattering complements every morning while it makes us coffee and tells us how to organize our lives and goals (those run for about 1350$ on Amazon if anyone's interested), we just start stuff and do whatever we can to motivate ourselves to finish said stuff.! Alright I'm good for another two hours of  programming.  Remember children, this is why we study history.

     Anyway, strictly concerning game development, the survival horror game is still in progress (and buffering), but we are taking a short break from that to create an Easter(ish) themed game that runs on the same code structure we're using in our main project. We're cutting out a lot of visual details and special environmental effects and other things of that nature so we can finish this sub-project as soon as possible. Hopefully it will attract a bit of attention so that our main focus project will receive a bit more attention when we finally release it (date for that is obviously pending, because we actually don't even know how we're going to structure the game as a whole. The prototype will be made available long before the full game is complete, just as originally stated, and we hope to receive as much feedback as possible [positive or negative, go easy on the negative or you might get hurt (parthenthetiception{I made a word. I wonder if anyone has ever actually had to structure they're writing like this.})] ). We won't be keeping this "Easterish" themed game chained up behind closed cement doors like S.I.D. p, so expect a screen shot or two in the near future. Like The Crab Crusher, both of our current game projects are being developed on TGC's AGK engine (heroic people indeed). We'll most likely be publishing it to Indievania for Windows and Android, although we may consider distributing it on other stores as well (obviously we would let you know if we decided to do that, but you can always use the "Apps/Games" tab at the top of the page to look over our current/ completed projects).

This isn't a screen shot but it's from the game and it's all you're going to get for now, but it's more than likely that you really don't care whether or not you see a screenshot. So whatever. If you see an egg like this in the market, pick it up off the ground, put it back on the counter and immediately leave the swap-meet so you don't get arrested for vandalism (darn you, putting the freaking egg down on the counter to hard in my mental imagining [very different from my physical imagining{Let's face it, if you had a chance to do this twice, you'd be in my position. But if you were in my position, you wouldn't care. So everything reconnects in the end. Except for the freaking servers in Carnivores Cityscape. If you've got problems with those you're pretty much our of luck.}]). 

Anyway, it's getting pretty late, so if what's being generated from my finger tips at a fairly rapid pace progressively makes less and less sense to you, it's probably not your fault, but let's just blame it on you anyway. Concerning future projects, we're considering a remake of Deer Hunter 2, an original hunting game (a bit more serious than cow hunting), a sequel to Cow Hunting, a fishing game, an adventure game, a fighting game, and a couple other survival horror games. If I wasn't so tired and I actually had anything interesting to tell you about those ideas, I would, but....yeah. A perfect conclusion to a sentence if I do say so myself. But I don't so who cares. Anyway, the adventure game would be sort of a mix of our own ideas with inspirations from the original Devil May Cry games, The Legend of Zelda series, the Sonic The Hedgehog series, Shadow of the Colossus/ Ico, and most likely a bunch of other stuff. We generally like to take ideas from several different sources, blend them together in interesting ways, and then use that product as inspiration for our original creations. If you've watched any of our Burnt Banana Sandwich short films, you've seen this first hand. 

This game inspired us to consider potential ways that we could create a survival horror game consisting of or influenced by short, scenario based challenges. A project such as that would most likely not be started until our major focus project was 100% complete though.

One last thing before I roll off of my chair and fall asleep on the floor. The Game Creators recently released a poll asking App Game Kit users what features they would like to see in the next major update, what platforms they would like to be able to port their games to, etc. One of the two options was the Ouya(probably butchered that, but I've already used violence as a metaphor, so I don't want to beat a dead horse. [darn it {HeheheYES!}] ), which I think most people were expecting based on the fact that the console's developers basically said "hey indie devs, how are you doing? (to which you tried to respond but were abruptly interrupted by the resuming of this paraphrased quote) Here, take this magic box and make your dreams come true." I probably exaggerated that last part quite a bit, and there definitely shouldn't be quotes there, but the back space key is all the way over ther . No that wasn't a typo. Any way, from what I understand, the Ouya was meant to be a very modifiable device that's perfectly suited (more or less) to support indie game developers of all sorts, so I highly recommend that you hunt down the poll that TGC sent out and mark the Ouya "very important" or whatever the highest option was. The other platform option on the poll that immediately caught my attention was the Wii U. I'll try not to go into a lot of detail, but if we could start getting some of our stuff to function with the Wii U's tablet controller, we could start doing a lot of cool stuff (technically, we could start doing a lot of cool stuff right now, but the Wii U [and the Ouya, no I won't do the bracket thing] would allow for significantly more interesting stuff, depending on the game, situation, and application of course).

So, just a small summary of all the text I just half-consciously whipped out of my finger tips like a wizard (if that wizard was about to face plant and abstain from standing up for the next hours), we're taking a short break from our main game dev. project to create a small game that show cases (essentially) a "bare-bones" version of what our major game will function like. Also, we hope to be able to develop for the Wii U and Ouya eventually using AGK, and we're considering several different projects that may succeed the two we are currently focused on. When the time comes to start a new project, we'll do our best to listen to the opinions/ answer the questions of any viewers we might have that were not driven away by the length of this post or the nonsensical nature of my textual voice at 1 in the morning. Please do leave any comments you may have in the comments section below, and be sure to check our our channels on Youtube! (please refer to the "About and Contacts" tab above.)

Also, if you have any suggestions or requests concerning games/ apps you want us to consider making in the future, feel free to share what you have to say. Thanks for reading!

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