Thursday, April 18, 2013

Update with Anglerbe: Link to the Past Sequel, My Zelda Timeline Theory, etc.

It's been a little while since I've made a post, or a video at that. (Well, two weeks or so, to be more specific). In any case, I've felt that based on that coupled with the fact that a handful of recent announcements have been made calls for a speculation/analysis update. Or something like that. Anyhow, I guess I'll divide this into sections for convenience. Krab. Spell check functional. Let's begin:

Capcom DMC and RE6 Sales Expectations Still Dropping:
Didn't see that coming. I can't imagine what went wrong. So long as Revelations does well when ported to consoles (and I believe PC as well), I hope Capcom gets back a bit of sense and makes the appropriate reparations. Meaning if it ain't broke, don't fix it. As in, the presence of guns in a game does not make it a shooter. And retconing well liked characters will not help the situation. That goes for Devil May Cry as well. Unless you do it to RE5 and 6, which is probably a good idea. I could go on for a long while with this, so I should probably move on now. 
A Link to the Past Sequel Announced:
Well Porpoisemonkey would probably enjoy this if any of us at G2D actually owned a 3DS. Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled anyway. Its a very interesting idea, and it helps me to expand upon my timeline theory(which I'll get into later). This new Zelda game appears to be a throw back to the top-down, 2D games which haven't been made since Minish Cap (although I suppose Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks had a handful of top-down elements). I don't doubt that this will draw in fans of those, so long as they can acquire a 3DS by the time of its release. 

More Nintendo Announcements: 
In addition to the ALTP sequel, Nintendo announced quite a few other games, several of which I would think would be better suited on the WiiU (which we also don't own yet, I should point out). These include Mario Party, a new Mario Golf, a new Yoshi's Island, and Newer Super Mario Bros Wii U. Except for that last one. Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with a surplus of Mario games so long as they're good, and don't fall to the yearly-sequel-death-trap cycle. Moving right along.

My Zelda Timeline Theory:
I was not made aware of the Zelda Timeline official release thing until fairly recently because people don't like to tell stuff to me. Anyway, looking at the timeline for way longer than a sane person probably should gave me the idea that, further down the road, the timeline may take the shape of something. Like, say, a sword. This new Zelda game fits into the left-most timeline, which I admit I thought was not going to expand any further. Especially considering that the most recent game chronologically in that timeline was Zelda 2, not A Link to the Past. But I guess we'll learn more about that later.

Call of Juarez Gunslinger:
I don't have a whole lot more to say at this point, but this game is still looking pretty good. While the lack of a multiplayer feature is very disappointing, the game still has massive potential. Not to mention that a reasonably priced DLC(or better yet, a free update) could solve this problem. 

Gamed2Death Console Stuff:
We've been debating which consoles to get and which to steer clear of, and so we decided that at some point in the near future we will do a segment comparing and contrasting the pros and cons of upcoming and current consoles. These include the WiiU, PS4, Xbox720 420 Nextbox I have no idea what its actually going to be called, Ouya, Piston, and Apple iJoinedConsoleDevelpmentBecauseIWantToTakeAChunkOfThisMarketBySuckeringInCasuals. I hope that last one isn't true. And it would be interesting if Sega made a comeback. 

Other Stuff We at Gamed2Death Want to Do in the Near Future:
Man these headings just keep growing. I don't know if we've mentioned it yet, but a demo game displaying our survival horror game engine made with AGK is in the works and should be done within three months if all is as usual with our scheduling. So look forward to that. We've also been looking into new capture cards and microphones, and if we manage to acquire some of these, we intend to try to do some streaming. We would like to use streaming to record Let's Plays and other videos when G2D members aren't able to get together. This would increase our video output significantly. I recently purchased a small audio mixer so we can record with multiple microphones at once, meaning our audio should be better when the necessary parts arrive. Which is about 20 days from now. I can hardly contain my excitement. 

Well I think that's all for now, although I will probably prove myself wrong soon enough and update this post. Or make a new one. I don't really know right now. Anyhow, we hope to put out more videos soon, and work on both our survival horror game and the demo game continues. Thanks for reading(although honestly, how many people actually read through this whole thing? ) and we hope to have new stuff out as soon as possible. 

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