Friday, May 10, 2013

Anglerte's Soundtrack of the Week

I hadn't played this game for about seven years until I decided to add it to the "G2D 45 Nostalgic Games" list and we played the multiplayer mode with Porpoisemonkey (I'll put that video below for those interested[shouldn't be too many of you]). A few weeks after that (a few months ago, now) the game was rereleased for the Ps3 and I decided to do a full play-through  on the Gamecube while I waited for the new version to go on sale. I was amazed at the number of entities that immediately seemed familiar despite the fact that I hadn't really thought about the game for over half a decade. I played through the full game and the "final story", something I had never been able to do when I was younger, and decided two major things (there we way more than two, but for now I'll keep my description limited): One, the games story was depressingly worse and plot-hole ridden than I remembered, and Two, most of the game's soundtrack is just awesome (definitely cheesy in several instances, but my statement stands strong), particularly the main theme "Live and Learn" (100% guarantee that if I survive long enough, that soundtrack will be one of my selections for this long-term list in the near future). I guess Jburitto watched people play this game on Youtube (we'll make him play it himself, fear not, as well as the first one), and now he can't get this song stuck out of his head. Which is a good thing. Actually, I had the same experience when replaying this game and then again after hearing it in Sonic Generations. Matt from Adamant Ditto did a better job of explaining this soundtrack and the first level of this game (please just play the hero story first) than I feel like doing, so I'll just post a link to his review, and hopefully he doesn't sue me or something (if the reader of this post is a member of Adamant Ditto, hello, my name is Porpoisemonkey).

He talks about it around 3:51 :

And here's this:


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